The Children

Ann is currently in Grade Seven. She joined NMS in Grade Two.

"Before I came to NMS, I walked a long distance to go to school. I did not have shoes and my uniform was tattered. I never took breakfast and at lunch, mama would give me porridge or boiled cassava.

Many times we slept hungry because my father is sick and mama did not have a job. When I joined NMS, I was happy because" ... [ more ]

David is currently in Grade Six. The fifth of seven children, he came to the Nambale Magnet School in 2019 from St. Lawrence Ojamoong in Okilidu Village.

David tells us, "I am grateful for the opportunity to study at NMS. Before I came here, I would go to school barefoot and with an empty stomach. Come lunchtime I would again walk back home and most times there was nothing to eat. My parents could not afford to buy books for all of us and being the youngest, I suffered the most ... [ more ]

Sheryl came to Nambale Magnet School at five years old from a child headed family. Her oldest sibling was an 11-year-old brother. She had two other brothers, ages 9 and 8. She was brought to the attention of the NMS social worker by their village government, when the children had been taken to a local children's rescue center.

Through the intervention of Nambale Magnet School staff, the three oldest children were placed in residential school settings and Sheryl was admitted to NMS. When she arrived, she was emaciated and had severe ringworm ... [ more ]

Albert came to the Nambale Magnet School when he was 4 years old with one set of clothing. He lived with extended family and without guarantee of a daily meal or a safe place to sleep. Albert came to the school with hopes to do more with his life than be a manual laborer which was his current expected life path.

By eighth grade, Albert was the top student in Busia County and was admitted to New Light Academy in Nairobi, a top secondary school. Having graduated New Light, Albert is now attending University in Kenya. [ more ]

Pictured here at 9 years old, Shirley came to the Nambale Magnet School in 2011. She hopes one day to be a nurse.

Shirley loves studying mathematics and Kiswahili, and also loves reading, and being part of the Debating Club. Her favorite game is basketball, and when it's dinner time, rice and beans are her favorites on the menu.

The School is blessed to have leaders like her!

Michael was six years old when he came to the Nambale Magnet School in 2014.

He enjoys working with numbers, and his favorite game is hide and seek. He loves the color blue, and singing - and he is part of the Music Club.

Come supper time, he is delighted with Ugali and Eggs from the NMS chickens, and when he grows up he hopes to be a policeman. He already has the posture and steady gaze!

Susan was only four years old when she came to NMS, but she already had big dreams. She hopes to be a medical doctor one day.

While in Ms. Sitawa's baby class, she enjoyed being creative and playing football. She is also excited about drawing and coloring, and is part of the Music Club. Susan's favorite color is yellow, and she loves chapati and beef stew for dinner.

It will be a joy to watch this little girl grow up.

Patrick was five year's old when he came to the Nambale Magnet School in 2014.

Patrick loves creative work in the classroom, football at recess, and rice and bean stew at the dinner table!

He is partial to the color blue and is a member of the Drama Club.

In the future he aspires to be a policeman - but for now he is content with his hobby, football.

Briana was born in 2001 and entered the Nambale Magnet School in 2009. She was one of our first "Primary Seven" learners, in Mr. Mapesa's class.

She is very fond of mathematics as well as soccer. When she's hungry, nothing sounds as good as chapati with chicken.  For recreation she loves to swim.

Briana is in the dancing club as well as serving the school as a sanitary prefect. When she grows up, she hopes to be a lawyer.

Pictured here at age 5, Matthew started at the Nambale Magnet School in 2013. He loves science, and his favorite game is football.

When dinner time rolls around, Matthew looks forward to chapati with beans and in his free time, he can often be found drawing. He particularly likes the color blue.

A renaissance man, Matthew is also in the Drama Club and one day would like to be a pilot. With such a wide range of interests, we're sure he'll do great things!

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